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Terms and Conditions

On purchasing a book at you declare that you have read both these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy.


The delivery of any of the products offered by URABOOK (hereinafter the “Products”) over the Website requires the previous purchasing of these Products in accordance with the requisites set forth in these General Terms and Conditions that shall expressly regulate the conducting of relations between URABOOK Inc. and those third parties (hereinafter the “Customer”) that purchase the products offered through the Shop.

URABOOK Inc. hereby informs you that the procedure to purchase goods is that which is described in these General Terms and Conditions, along with any other specific process indicated on screen when browsing. Accordingly, the Customer declares to have knowledge of and to accept the aforementioned procedure as necessary to access the products and services offered over the portal.


1. Portal Ownership

URABOOK Inc.., (hereinafter “URABOOK”), the registered of which is at: 354 Milltown Blvd, St. Stephen, NB. Canada E3L 1J4, is the owner of the portal (hereinafter “” or “Website”) and makes it available to internet customers to provide them with information on URABOOK products and promotions as well as enabling the purchase of the products over the website.


2. Purpose and scope of application

These are the terms and conditions that regulate the purchasing of products on-line through and the responsibilities arising thereof.

It shall be understood that by following all the steps envisaged to purchase the Products, as well as ordering them, involves the Customer fully and unreservedly observing all the general terms and conditions that URABOOK has published on the website at the time of making the purchase, as well as the Privacy Policy of the “On-line Shop” (hereinafter the “Shop”).


3. Formalities involved in the product purchase procedure

Before purchasing any of the products on sale over, the Customer must carefully read these Terms and Conditions.


The products on sale in the shop, in addition to their characteristics and price, will come up on screen. Moreover, Customers will be informed of the shipping price to their homes, where appropriate. Shipping costs will come up on screen when making the purchase.


Customers must select the Products they want to purchase and add them to their shopping cart to purchase them at the shop. To this end, before closing the purchase customers must check the characteristics of the product indicated in the website after the personalization that the customer has chosen, its price, the applicable taxes and the corresponding shipping costs, to assess whether or not it meets customer needs.

URABOOK will then ask the Customer to enter certain data on the website by means of completing an e-form. The data marked with an asterisk (*) on this form is required and, therefore, must be completed. The Privacy Policy adopted by URABOOK specifies how the personal data provided will be processed.


Customers wishing to purchase products through the shop must be over 18. If not, they will need express authorization to make the purchase from the holder of the bank account to be used in the purchase transaction. When making the purchase, Customers declare and assure they are in possession of, and can demonstrate, the requisite authorization if so required.

The Customer will receive the Purchase Terms and Conditions on screen and must accept them to continue with the

purchasing procedure. Acceptance by the Customer of these terms and conditions does not imply automatic acceptance by URABOOK of the order, rather it shall be understood as accepted when URABOOK sends an e-mail acknowledging receipt of the request or order at the Customer's e-mail address given in the registration form. 

Payment of the price of the products purchased and the corresponding shipping costs must be made by credit or debit card, bank transfer or PayPal, or in accordance with any other means of payment that may be enabled at the on-line shop at any given time.

A screen will come up with the amount and the purchase reference to proceed with payment and the Customer will be asked to provide the information requested on screen, which will always include the following: a) Card number; b) Expiry date; c) CVV (three-digit security code that is printed at the back of the card).

To ensure Customer security, URABOOK hereby informs Customers that it has contracted the Square (secure on-line payment platform) POS service as its e-payment system.

4. Return and refund policy 

The URABOOK product consists of a story printed on 32+ pages in full color. There are several models of story with different storylines, whose protagonist the customer can customize to their liking, choosing the first name and appearance of that protagonist. The final result will be a book printed in hard cover with die, the sheets laminated anti-stain, measuring 8.5x8.5 and weighing 0.495 kg, in which the protagonist will have the appearance and first name that the customer has chosen and designed with the help of the character editor provided on the Web site during the purchase process.

As part of the story customization process, a photograph can be included that will appear at the end of the story, accompanied by a dedication addressed to the child. The intention of this photograph is to include an image that is familiar to the child, showing people, animals and/or environments that he or she recognizes, in order to accompany it with a dedication and make the book a special gift. If the photograph contains the image of persons other than the Client, the Client guarantees that he/she has the express authorization of said persons for the use of his/her image with the purpose of being incorporated into the book, and assures that he/she will keep URABOOK free of any type of claim related to the image of the persons that appear in said photograph.

The inclusion of an image with content harmful to minors or contrary to Urabook's values of respect for children is not permitted. In the event that an attempt is made to upload a picture with content that Urabook believes is not appropriate to show to a child, Urabook reserves the right to refuse to include the picture in the story, to cancel the order and, if appropriate, to inform the relevant authorities.

Once the story design period has been completed, the Client is provided with a preview of the story, so that the Client can approve the content of the story before it is sent to print as a book. URABOOK will not be responsible in any way for the content of the story, since it will have been expressly approved by the Client after having the opportunity to visualize the preview on the Website before proceeding with the payment.

The URABOOK products have a guarantee of twenty-four (24) months from the reception of the product by the Client. The guarantee covers only manufacturing defects (printing or binding errors, missing pages of the book, etc.) that occur during the period of validity of the guarantee.

In the case that the Client detects any of these manufacturing defects, the Client can contact URABOOK, indicating the defects of the product and sending us graphic documents where the defects can be appreciated. Once the defects have been evaluated by URABOOK, and whenever they are manufacturing defects, URABOOK will communicate to the Client the way to proceed in order to solve the problems. Said solution shall consist of the sending by URABOOK of a new product to the Client. The shipping costs that would be incurred to return a defective product to the Client within the guarantee will be paid by URABOOK.

5. Order Cancellation

In the case that the product suffers any type of deterioration not caused by a manufacturing defect (such as damage due to blows or the action of climate or nature on the book - water, heat/fire/sun, ...-, breakage due to inappropriate use of the product by the Client, breakage due to use of the book as deterioration of the binding, etc.), the replacement of the Product will not be covered by the guarantee, and URABOOK will not be responsible for the state of the Product.

The Client will not have the right of withdrawal with respect to the Products (that is to say, he will not be able to return them without alleging any cause within 14 days of receiving them), since these goods are clearly personalized and made according to the Client's specifications (personalization of the story according to the Client's indications in the story configuration tool).

6. Delivery and Acceptance

The place for the delivery of your Products will be as shown on the Order and the normal method of delivery (unless specifically agreed otherwise) shall be 1st class postage.

If you have ordered more than one Product, we reserve the right to make delivery of your Order by instalments. If the Order is to be delivered in instalments, each delivery will constitute a separate contract.

We will endeavor to process your Order and manufacture your Product within the time period stated for each item. However, manufacturing times may vary, and any times quoted for the delivery of goods are indicative only. Time for delivery shall not be of the essence of these Terms and Conditions and We will not be liable for any loss or expenses which You may sustain as a result of any delay in the delivery of your Order.

When you receive the Product/s you must inspect them for any defects or non-conformity before signing good condition. If you sign good condition, you are accepting the goods are in an acceptable condition. Any packages not signed for but accepted are considered signed in good condition. If you can see any sign of damage to the parcel/s please sign as damaged otherwise we cannot refund or replace the item, beyond your statutory rights. You must be available to accept delivery on the delivery date as the courier will only attempt re-delivery up to 2 times and then the delivery will be returned back to Us at your cost. If delivery is refused or returned due to a faulty address, you will be charged a return fee.

If you wrongfully fail to take delivery of the Order, then We shall be under no obligation to refund the price

6. URABOOK Obligations

URABOOK undertakes to meet the following obligations:

  • To provide Customers with the requisite information at on the products available for purchase.

  • To send Customers a receipt acknowledging the receipt by URABOOK of the request or order made to the address the particular Customer indicates in the contract form.

  • After making the purchase, URABOOK undertakes to deliver the goods acquired by Customers, as soon as possible and always within legal limits, at the address they indicated in the order form, or at the designed pick-up point if out at the time of delivery. If the product is definitively returned on account of continued Customer absence or failure of the Customer to pick up the product, the latter shall be returned to URABOOK. Should the Customer subsequently wish for it to be re-shipped, the Customer will have to pay shipping costs again. 

  • All deliveries are subject to stock availability and confirmation of the payment transaction.

  • All our products are packaged securely and properly to avoid deterioration during shipping. Nevertheless, if they become deteriorated or get damaged during shipping, URABOOK shall be liable for replacing the product at no further charge for the Customer.

  • To refund the cost to Customers for goods with production defects (once duly confirmed by URABOOK that the defect in question is duly caused by an ex-works defect and not due to Customer misuse). When Customers exercise their right under the guarantee, URABOOK shall pay for any shipping costs involved in the process.

  • To act with reasonable care and professionalism with respect to the services and goods it offers.

7. Liabilities

Customers shall be liable for:

  • All those acts that contravene that which is set forth in these general terms and conditions, the law, public morals, generally accepted good practices and public order.

  • Any act that is conducted differently to the manner indicated by URABOOK in its instructions on how to use the Website and purchase the products thereon.

  • The truth, accuracy and current validity of the data provided in the forms URABOOK makes available for completion on the Website.

  • Any direct or special and consequential damages caused the Customer by any third party if the Customer loses, discloses, mislays, or in any way makes a third-party privy to the Customer personal data required to purchase the product.

URABOOK shall not be liable for:

  • Damages caused by the improper conservation or misuse of the product that may be caused by the Customer or a third party for reasons for which URABOOK is not accountable.

  • Whatever the case, any liability that the Customer may claim of the URABOOK shall be restricted to the price of the product purchased by the Customer.


8. Guarantee exclusion and liability

  • URABOOK reserves the right to delete any content that might harm its image, cause it commercial damage and might commit outrage against the dignity of the members of the community or other affected persons.

  • URABOOK accepts no liability for damages of any kind that may be caused by any lack of availability and/or technical continuity of Website functioning. Whatever the case, URABOOK shall take all the actions required to restore its services in the event of technical problems.

  • URABOOK shall put all the means at its disposal to protect the data housed on its servers. If any natural or legal person accesses these data lawfully or unlawfully and makes undue use of this information, that which is provided for in current legislation shall apply.

  • URABOOK shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from the content, information, publicity, opinions, ideas and images provided by Customers or third parties that contravene the law, public morals, good faith and public order, or the infringe on industrial or intellectual property rights or contain flaws, defects or computer viruses or similar software routine.

  • Whatever the case, URABOOK accepts no liability for content and information unrelated to the website that URABOOK does not manage. URABOOK is not aware of any content housed on the website that contravenes the law, public morals, good faith or public order or that infringes on industrial or intellectual property rights or contains flaws, defects or computer viruses or similar software routine.

  • URABOOK accepts no liability for damages that may be caused by the knowledge unauthorized third parties have of users’ personal data, or for the use made of the Website by means of these data.

  • URABOOK can sell advertising space (banners, sponsorships, collaborations, etc.) on the Website. If the companies advertising on the Website collect the personal data of users (by means of a link or through a specific registration process for this purpose), the said companies shall be liable for observing data protection regulations.

  • URABOOK accepts no liability for any failure to make good discounts and promotions advertised by companies, brands, institutions and other entities whether profit or non-profit making that may decide to advertise on the Website. Those companies and entities shall be responsible for making good the aforementioned promotions and discounts. Moreover, URABOOK accepts no liability for any damages arising for Customers from the failure to make good on these promotions and discounts.


9. Intellectual and industrial property 

All product and website content shown, and particularly, designs, drawings, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, commercial names, trademarks and any other signs that may be covered by intellectual or industrial rights are subject to the intellectual and industrial property held by URABOOK, or third parties with whom it has reached an agreement with respect to products and website use.

Under no circumstances must Customer access, browsing or use of the Website be understood as involving a relinquishment, transfer, license or total or partial granting of the aforementioned rights by URABOOK. The Customer has the right to use website content and/or services in a strictly domestic setting.

All references to commercial or registered names and trademarks, or other distinctive signs, whether owned by URABOOK or by third companies, in which case their use has been granted to us, implicitly involves the prohibition to use the same without the consent of URABOOK or of their legitimate owners. Unless otherwise expressly stated, at no time does access to, browsing or use of the Website and/or of the content thereof grant the Customer any right over the distinctive signs included thereon.

All intellectual and industrial property rights over website content and/or services are reserved and, particularly, it is strictly prohibited to modify, copy, reproduce, publicly disclose, transform or distribute by any means or in any way, either all or part of website content for public or commercial purposes unless prior, express authorization has been obtained in writing from URABOOK or, where appropriate, the holder of the corresponding rights. Moreover, and for security reasons, it is not permitted to use frames or devices that may alter or vary website design, original configuration and content.

None of the content hosted on the Website can be downloaded, reproduced or used on any other device or in any other place other than the Website unless URABOOK has enabled the means to do so.

10. Links

Links to other websites

In the event that the user comes across links to other websites on our Website by means of various buttons, links, banners, etc., those websites would be managed by third parties. URABOOK has neither the authority nor the human or technical means to know, control or approve all the information, content, products or services provided by other websites to which links may be established from the website. Consequently, URABOOK cannot accept any type of liability for any matter that is related to a website to which a link could be established from its website, specifically as regards, albeit not restricted to, its operation, access, data, information, files, quality and the reliability of its products and services, its links and/or, generally speaking, its content.

Accordingly, if users come to have material knowledge of the illegality of the activities conducted through any of these third-party websites, they must immediately notify URABOOK so that it can proceed to disable the access link to the same.

The establishment of any kind of link from the URABOOK Website to another website shall not imply any type of relationship, cooperation or dependency between URABOOK and the party responsible for the unrelated website.

Links from other websites the URABOOK Website.

If any user, entity or website wishes to establish any kind of link to the URABOOK Website, the following stipulations must be observed:

  • The link may only be directed to the website home page, unless otherwise expressly authorized in writing by URABOOK.

  • The link must be absolute and clear, i.e. it must take the user to the website’s address: http-s:// with one click and must show the complete home page screen. Unless expressly authorized in writing by URABOOK, under no circumstance may a website that establishes a link reproduce the website in any way, include it as part of that website or include it within one of the other website’ s frames or create a browser on any of that website’s pages.

  • The page where the link is established may not make any statement to the effect that URABOOK has authorized such a link unless URABOOK has done so expressly in writing. If the entity that correctly makes the link from its page to the Website wishes to include the trademark, name, commercial name, sign, logo, slogan or any other type of URABOOK identifying element and/or of its website, it must have previously obtained URABOOK’s express authorization in writing.

  • URABOOK does not authorize the establishment of a link to its website from those websites that may contain illicit, illegal, degrading or obscene materials, information or content or, in general, any content that may be contrary to public morality, public order or generally accepted social standards.

  • URABOOK has neither the authority nor the human or technical means to know, control or approve all the information, content, products or services provided by other websites that may have links established to its Website. URABOOK accepts no liability for any matter that is related to a website from which a link is established to its website, specifically as regards, albeit not restricted to, its operation, access, data, information, files, quality and the reliability of its products and services, its links and/or, generally speaking, its content.

11. Term and modification

These General Terms and Conditions shall remain valid throughout their publication period, or until they are modified wholly or in part, in which case URABOOK is obliged to announce the changes made to them.

Acceptance of customer orders shall be regulated by the Terms and Conditions published at that time on the Website.

12. Applicable law and jurisdiction

This contract shall be governed by Canadian Law, which shall apply to that which is not set forth in this contract concerning interpretation, validity and performance.

In the event of any disagreement or claim arising between the parties with respect to compliance with, or the contents of these Terms and Conditions, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to try and resolve their disagreement or claim within a maximum period of one month to be calculated as of the date either formally notifies the other of the discrepancy that has arisen or the claim made.

Notwithstanding, in the event that the disagreement or claim is not resolved within the aforementioned maximum term and only in cases in which the regulation provides for the possibilities of the parties subjecting themselves to a jurisdiction, URABOOK and the Customer hereby expressly waive their right to any jurisdiction that may correspond to them and agree to subject themselves to the decision on the matter put before the Courts and Tribunals of the City of  Toronto, Canada.

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